Several of our centers were inspired by Honest Abe as well. The students got to build log cabins (just like Abe) with Lincoln logs.
They practiced their penmanship by tracing and copying sentences about Abraham Lincoln in the Writing center.
In the Math Games center, they spun and added pennies to their ten frame mats, trying to beat their partner to 20 cents. We had been struggling to get a handle on adding one more; what that meant, what that looked like. This game was a great visual for the students. Plus, they were playing with MONEY which was sure to keep their attention.
The other centers included making CVC words with letter unifix cubes in the Word Work center, reading/playing on raz-kids.com at the computer center, and playing a ten frame/numeral memory game in Number Work.
Whole group learning time has been jam-packed with new music videos and games. This week we focused on the long vowel sounds that are created with the Super E (aka Magic E and Silent E). Here are links to the catchy songs/videos that got us familiar with said 'e.'
In math, we have been playing some pretty cool games to help us with our addition facts. They can't get enough of this Penguin Game. They also really like this Shark Numbers game which helps them recognize numbers in the teens and twenties as groups of tens and ones.
To build up and prepare for today's big sight word test, we played Quiz Quiz Trade with our sight words a few times this week. By the way, both classes had big gains in their sight word recognition today. I am so proud of them and I am so glad to get back on track with our reading.
Of all that we accomplished this week, I think what I am most excited about is that we got to enjoy OUTDOOR RECESS!!!! We have had indoor recess for the last 3 months. I try to keep it fun and creative but nothing really compares to being free to run and play in the fresh air. I leave you with a few pics of their jubilation.
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