Friday, August 10, 2012

It Was a Very Good Week!

    It was a very good week, indeed!  This week we learned the rules and routines of our classroom.  We made four books for our book buckets; and alphabet book, a counting book, a book about school, and a book about the color red.  These books will stay in the classroom, but next week the students begin bringing home books for reading assignments.  I am excited to start the learning to read process!
    We began using our pin chart and the students are starting to the get the hang of how we behave and cooperate in kindergarten.  This week, we only sent home news if the students 'made it to the top' of the chart.  But starting Monday, behavior charts will be sent home in their backpacks and you will be able to see which level they were on each day.
   Centers will also begin on Monday. We have been itching to get these started as they are the core of our learning experience (and the funnest part of the day for the students- well, except for recess, of course)!  

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